We came to United States of America last year, April 2009. Hoping that when we relocated we will find our ground in the land. My husband started to look for job but all the same – no way. I’m pregnant with baby. On 15th of July, I delivered my baby preterm at 24 weeks at Denver hospital after two days, they transfer my baby at Children’s Hospital. Still no job for my husband til late November 2009. He got a job at Home Depot where he was receiving a peanuts salary and less home of which Laura at Children’s Hospital is aware of what I’m saying. life become miserable as we can not cope with the 24 weeks baby at NICU and my special baby girl was admitted at the same hospital. No house, no job, no money. Sickness for my daughter and preterm baby at the same hospital. It looks odd. my daughter was in the hospital for complete 3 weeks. She undergone operation and other things. Hospital become our second home because no place for my husband to put his head while I’m fully in the hospital taking care of my children. One at the 8th floor, preterm at the 4th floor or 3rd floor. I can’t remember again. On January 26th my son died and we buried him February 1st. And Laura stood beside us in those trying period.
The bills for my daughter staying in the hospital for weeks and seeing different doctors every passing weeks makes it impossible for my husband to pay. My husband receive $8 per hour and $15 at night. At times they give him 24, 30, the highest of hour is 32. So before paying rent, utilities, electricty, cable, phones, insurance, and car nothing remains for the family again. They have to take us to debt collection, but we cannot afford to pay. You may ask Laura all these things, she’s aware. My daughter is solely dependant on me because of her condition – she is disabled. I didn’t know that I was pregnant until Laura told me to check. I thought it was because of stress. So I have to take care of my daughter who has special needs while I keep on going to hospital every week because of what happened last time (having preterm baby). Moreover, I have hisotry of many miscarriages from Nigeria so on 9/17/10 this my bundle of joy came out. My baby boy Divine is a bundle of joy to me and my husband.
About the food stamp – it was last 2 months ago, they called me that I didn’t sign one paper. That it will cause a denial or that month and the other month. But last week they have corrected it. So they told us that from next month my daughter will get her food stamp.
This is my story. May the good Lord bless and keep you to the end for the good work you are doing in the life of families.