As a small nonprofit organization, we will gladly accept anything that you could donate, whether that be time, money, talents, or things you no longer need that we could auction or sell.  Anything will help!

Here are just a few examples of what you could do and specific needs we have at this time:

  • Donate money either by mail or on our website
    • $10 would purchase a meal at the hospital for a parent, while they sit by their child’s side
    • $25 would provide a gift card to purchase gas for families to visit their child
    • $50 would provide a gift card for groceries
    • $100 would assist in paying for phone, utilities or rent
    • $350 would fully fund one family for many of the aforementioned needs
  • Donate gas or food cards (we can especially use gift cards for places near the Children’s Hospital such as Shell gas station, King Soopers, Wal-Mart, or the Fresh Market cafeteria inside the hospital)
  • Link your King Soopers card to For Love of Grace an we will receive a percentage on your purchases.
    • Log into you King Soopers account online, go to the bottom of the page and choose ‘Community’ next choose ‘King Soopers Community Rewards’  then link your account to For the Love of Grace, or choose Organization Number NK704
  • Become a one time or a regular volunteer (at fundraisers or outreach events)
  • Sign up to make meals for families in the hospital
  • Sign up for our Prayer Chain
  • Donate 8×10 canvases for children to paint at out hospital outreach
  • Plan a fundraising night at a local restaurant to raise money and awareness
  • Become a corporate donor.
  • Please contact us directly for more information via email:

Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Romans 10:12




You will be blessed as you help us continue to bless the lives of others.